Intended Audience: Persons with disabilities, Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), Local Governments, Local NGOs, International NGOs, International governmental organizations (INGOs), Donor organizations (National, international)
Click here to download a power point version of this lesson to customize for your training purposes.
Please note: Credit should be given to the US International Council on Disabilities and Rehabilitation International.
Important Resources:
Harvard Law School Disability Project (Professor Michael Stein, video)
TEDx: Why it is Time to Make Inclusive Development Inclusive by Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo (video)
For NGOs:
Human Rights Yes! Action and Advocacy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
For Governments:
Handbook for Parliamentarians on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Key Learning Objectives in this module:
Click on the video under the lesson tab (see above) to begin the lesson. Captions are included.